When planning to have a baby, we usually think about timing, careers, finances, and support systems. However, it's just as important to focus on your health before trying to conceive. Taking care of your health before pregnancy can improve your chances of conceiving, support a healthy pregnancy, reduce the risk of complications during delivery, and help ensure a healthy baby.
What is Preconception Care?
Preconception care involves reviewing the health of both partners. Key areas to focus on include:
Balanced Nutrition
Make sure your diet includes important nutrients like:
Vitamin D
Lifestyle Changes
Quit smoking and vaping.
Avoid alcohol.
Ensure you get enough quality sleep.
Take care of your mental health.
Healthy Weight
By managing weight, you increase the changes of conceiving, and lower your risk of complications like gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia.
Managing Medical Conditions
Address any existing health issues.
Review medications for safety and effectiveness.
By focusing on the above, you can start your journey to parenthood with a strong foundation. If you'd like help, the Juno Healthcare Preconception Care Program may be right for you and your partner. Enquire here.